Contact Us
Breakbulk Middle East Assistant – the fastest solution to your queries
Breakbulk Middle East Assistant is an AI-empowered FAQ system which has answers to the majority of the questions you might have about the event!
To start a conversation with Breakbulk Middle East Assistant just click on the icon with the speech bubble in the right corner with the text ‘Find answers here’.
This is the fastest way to get in contact with us, so we do suggest that you chat with Breakbulk Middle East Assistant if you need help. If you would still like to speak to a member of our team, you can find contact details below.
Interested in exhibiting?
If you'd like to exhibit at Breakbulk Middle East, click the below button to complete our stand enquiry form. Our team will then get back with you to discuss this further.
Enquire to exhibit
Interested in visiting?
If you'd like to register to attend Breakbulk Middle East, click the below button to get your free ticket.
Register interest in visiting
Exhibitor or visitor Queries
If you have a question for the team on exhibiting or visiting, contact us using the below link.
Contact Us
Meet the team
Aia Saeed
Account Manager
E: [email protected]
Ben Blamire
Event Director
E: [email protected]
Christian Thompson
Key Account Director
E: c[email protected]
Charles Ramirez
Key Account Director
E: [email protected]
Hannah Joseph
Sales Consultant
E: [email protected]
Holly Driver
Account Manager
E: [email protected]
Breakbulk Global Shippers Network
Ben Law, Community Development Manager
E: [email protected]
Tel: +442035459712